more than 100 things about me, listed in increasing order of their atrociousness...
i ...
...have had shoulder length hair
...have worn an earring to work
...carry a Zippo sometimes
...have jumped from a plane
...i prefer ...
...peace and quiet
...basking in the Sun
...articles of snob value
...figures of speech
...well thought-out design innovations
...watching commercials on words
...simplistic user interface design
...watching movies
...airplane take offs and landings
...learning languages
...The Matrix
...taking hot showers
...driving stick shift
...Apple hardware
...doing artsy things
...'mostly sunny' weather to 'sunny'
...swimming without preservatives/artificial ingredients
...plain water to carbonated drinks pens to ball points
i dislike... juice concentrate
...grammatical errors
...ppl who rip off
...cold weather
...formal clothes when ppl call models "actors"
...dirty nails
...making compromises
...wearing jewellery (except earrings) up easily
...reality shows
...the attitude of ppl who litter
... Pune's rickshaw-wallas
...unreal horror movies
...ppl who don't reply to emails
...washing and ironing clothes
...seeing paper getting wasting
...anything mango flavoured
...the noise appliances with electric motors make
...clothes with horizontal stripes
...the fact that computers (server grade) freeze up on me all the time (and they all do) when they immediately replay commercials or repeat their blurbs (e.g. phone numbers)
...remixes, unless i have heard them be4 i've heard the original
...the fact that i know lyrics to songs i hate that do not support keyboard shortcuts
i am ...
...a Leo
...single omnivore
...caffeine sensitive
...a minimalist
...a tree hugger
...somewhat possessive
...sentimental, but you can't tell
...extremely fastidious introvert
...fascinated by Nature - all its organisms and phenomena
...philosophical at times
...wannabe designer artist
...good at finding things
...not addicted to anything
...a vagabond
...(!)just another guy